Awesome Emma

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Awesome Emma

CHF 6.00

Verfügbarkeit: 30 vorrätig

Diese Sorte ist wirklich etwas das Schönheit und Geschmack kombiniert, ausserdem ist sie recht robust! Verschiedene Züchter mit verschiedenen Sorten haben hier mitgeholfen, der ausführliche Text lohnt sich.
Josef Obermoser’s description and comments:
“Awesome Emma is an exceptionally flavorful and prolific brand new cherry tomato. The vigorous plants produce beautiful 1 inch fruits, which delight with their dark purple stripes on a yellow background. Emma’s unique, rich, sweet and tart flavor combines the exceptional taste qualities of her parents Stripes of Yore (bred by Tom Wagner) and Bianca (bred by Reinhard Kraft).
Emma’s breeders, tomato fanatic Josef Obermoser and csa farmer Ulli Klein, are very grateful to Tom and Reinhard for their excellent work and very thankful to the generations of natives and small farmers who have wonderfully selected the fruits and vegetables for future generations.
It is very important for us that the indigenous people, small farmers and breeders who developed tomatoes before us are mentioned. And I think it’s important to mention us as breeders – to appreciate our work and to give interested people the opportunity to contact us.
My intention in introducing Emma to as many people as possible is not only to allow them to have fun with her and use her fruit as a delicious food, but I would also like to encourage them to use her as a parent for breeding new varieties. Emma’s parents inherited beneficial genes from related wild tomatoes such as solanum chilense and solanum pimpinellifolium from their grandparents, and some of them were certainly transferred to Emma. It is very important to bring back more genetic diversity in our tomatoes.”

Blau, Gelb, Multicolor


Balkon / Topf, Garten geschützt

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